
Sustainable Development Planning & Implementation

We help companies and enterprises to integrate their approach to being sustainable citizens by contributing UNSDGs into organizational systems, investment frameworks and decision-making practices.

 Sustainable Development Planning & Implementation

Every day, more and more enterprises are looking for straightforward ways to operate more sustainably and make a positive contribution to the SDGs. enterprises increasingly recognize that sustainable development is at the very heart of long-term value creation and failing to achieve the SDGs is a constraint on economic potential and undermines system stability, future business prospects and future performance.
planiang and implementing sustainability can help organizations use a common language and shared purpose to:

• Open-up new business and investment opportunities and efficiency gains
• Future-proof businesses and investment portfolios
• Manage risk more effectively
• Enhance reputation
• Attract and retain employees, consumers, B2B customers, and investors
• Strengthen stakeholder relations
• Drive innovation
• Secure social license to operate
• Keep pace with – and anticipate future – policy developments
• Help stabilize societies and markets.

For many businesses, sustainability now goes hand-in-hand with value creation and profitability, meaning there is an even greater need for leaders to reimagine their corporate strategy with sustainability at the forefront.

How can we help you?

We help enterprises to integrate their approach responsibly to be sustainable citizens and contribute positively to UNSDGs into organizational systems, investment frameworks and decision-making practices, using a common language and shared approach to do so.

For Starting your journey to being sustainable, you should know about the basic principles which are our planning and implementation baseline:

Principle I: Alignment with the UNSDG’s and UN Global Compact Objectives, Mandate and

o Bring about environmental, economic and social benefits, with a focus on meeting the broader 2030 Agenda through leveraging private sector contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Multilateral Environmental Agreements’ goals
o Promote adherence to the UN system-wide framework and to the UN Global Compact.

 Principle II: Impact-Oriented and Results-Based Engagement

All private sector engagements involving mutual dialogue and active participation shall be based on transparent, defined mutual benefits to both parties and start with a definition of the expected and desired outcomes and impacts. This should include a selection of concrete and causal indicators with clear links to the Programme of Work and the Sustainable Development Goals, the means of measuring performance in terms of desired outputs, results and impacts, as well as how the engagement outcomes will be evaluated.

Principle III: Transparency and Disclosure

In all engagements with the private sector, the UN Environment Programme is obliged to ensure transparency. The format of engagement, that is how the UN Environment Programme works with private sector entities, is always public information. Publication of details of the cooperation is public to the extent possible without violating disclosure of mutual confidentiality.

 Principle IV: Adding Value by Working Together

All private sector engagements should aim to create additional value through inspiring positive actions. As a leading global actor, the SDS  group has a unique capability to convene multi-stakeholder fora, where policymakers, regulators, government officials, research and academic institutions, civil society and business leaders can engage, according to the terms of the specific forum.

 Principle V: Standard-Raising Collaboration

All shall aim at raising the relevant environmental standards and practices, thereby contributing to practical work on sustainable development. 

 Principle VI: Integrity, Impartiality and Independence

The principles of integrity, impartiality and independence fall under the UN Ethical Framework and apply to all staff, in private sector engagement as in all work. The concept of integrity embraces all aspects of the behaviour of an international civil servant, including qualities such as honesty, truthfulness, impartiality, and incorruptibility.